

A Picture
One day strolling the swathes on a summer noon
Found some pictures from a dusty room
All scattered on a random table
Of the beautiful past barely remembered
What more can make the past durable?
Except the photos in which memories gathered
A pure gold of happiness just to see and feel
The cosy solace in the tapestry of time
Lying silent in a showcase
Wrapped by an old grace
Giving rebirth to emotions and happiness
Holding the echoes of past which the mind knows but can't express
Any word or memory can regress
But a single picture squashing the serenity of several words
Can redeem the past back to present
Soothing the loved ones to settle their hearts
With every person and their legacy
Carving the mortals in an immortal frame
A bliss of memory and a treasure of emotions
A picture is the best boat for love to sail through time
Carassing the vision of several loved ones
The picture brings back the life alive!
© ayushelusive