

My heart broken into pieces..
pieces smaller than sand particles,
broken by u!! ur false love,
Now just has one wish..
May! May in the next birth..
I be u, and u be me..
So that I can give u same wounds,
which u gave, me!!
so that I can give u same tears..
which u gave,me!!
U woul be weeping whole night..
U would be crying ur heart out!!
And just like u, I wohld be there
laughing at you with my friends!!
I would be there making love
with some other person..
Just the same way u left me,
I would be the one leaving ur hand..
I would be the one never coming back!
Your heart would be the one,
breaking into innumerable pieces..
And karma!!
karma would laugh at u
saying "She did what u did
to her..She did exactly the same..
She did what u deserved!!!
exactly the same!!!

© Diya🖤