

I miss you, M.
I know it was real
Yet the timing was a bitch
I loved you more than anything
I ever loved
I screamed at you stating that
the poems I wrote and still write
is not about you
I lied
They always are
Everything is about you
The tears I cried
The books I read
The notes I write
Everything is about you
I used to hate coffee
But when I found you adored it
I started buying T-shirts about coffee
Books about it
and even started drinking it
I always thought you were using me
Cause anyone I ever loved
Has a habit of using me
But maybe you are not like them
Maybe you are my lover
And I am yours
I wanted to scream at you all of this
Like those rom-com movies ending
Then some musical band playing our song
But it's too late, isn't it?
You are gone
And well I have to live with the fact no one will be you
Cause you are you
I hate to do this but
I know I will never find someone like you
And I which you were here,

Darling, I miss you

© angeldorothy