

Veil of Grace: A Good Friday Journey.

A veil that was formerly shrouded in shadows
a wall separating the sun and the earth,
A thick, dense cloak of mystery that shields the light of truth.

However, a light wind on Good Friday revealed the reality and broke the calm.
With a rending shriek, the veil was broken, revealing depths where shadows lurk.

The voice of sacrifice resounded, bringing justice and mercy together in perfect harmony.
A sacrosanct view of the sky was painted by the redemptive promise.

Through the ripped curtain, a passage became visible,
To souls esteemed, hearts weighed down.
The bare, unadulterated revelation of truth
urging everyone to look for and persevere.

Faith has a place right now in the revelation of heavenly grace.
The tale of humanity, irrevocably altered, in the ripped curtain, new life arranged.

Thus, let us look upon the artwork on the broken veil and sense the sacred heart's throbbing.
For a story unfolded within its strands,
Of the victory of love in a broken world.

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