

Sold only once

"So tiring days", I said, with a feeling of heavy weight on my soul,
Those days in past, my impatience was gnawing, with a sorrow untold.
Leading my journal to grow at par with its goal,
With adding impatience to hyper grieve,
To one day when I implored before savvy night to save,
I prayed with both hands fold,
For a due respite from my burdens and for a moment of peace,
For an effect unknown I desired for a gentle shower,
In a moment I felt as light as feather,
Three hours later at night I saw a rainbow's bright arc,
Though depicting sinister mark,
As the bow stretched wide, the timid me screamed in terror,
Accompanied by a malice smile,
And a chilling tide an arrow crossed a mile,
Due to an enchantment, I followed it, alike fate of a prisoner,
I think without a better choice,
Through eerie woods and twisted domain,
Where singing birds laughed at me causing a haunting refrain,
With no actual green
Now after a stretch birds are serene
Those trees are weirdly ladened with tempting savoury food,
Which I ate getting along with those tall wood,
It was a place where five seasons were summoned,
The place which has snow was rough as sand,
Where rain falling had imitated sea waves of shore,
Where autumn was ambrosial than lullaby,
Where Summer got shivering nearby,
Where new leaves were growing out of water spring,
A messy universe was dancing at circus ring,
As I was wondering a roar echoed, as devil's face command,
"What a grotesque sight, it is" I said, as the neighborhood warped
"You dared to wish, and now I demand."
I remembered then, my foolish plea,
A simpler life and a world set free,
Reaping inside an engrossed lament
Relatively from burdens of work, of saving and strife,
And as if it got answered by several unjustified decrees,
I posed no words to protest or could have a chance to debate.
I traded for this haunting, hellish life.
Equally I was not hunted for food, but for a soul to be claimed in gist,
A clown in every role, alas! a game with a twist
For countless days, I've cursed my fate,
remembering the day I got drenched in spell water under shower,
That sham of the seven colours gathering,
I can say this is a colorless prison though overly mesmerizing,
And so on for my hopeful escaping,
I sighed again "But what if I'm trapped in this nightmare",
A question left for you wise reader, if no one answer!

© Prachi Sharma