

For you
If I'm out of your sight, that doesn't mean I'm out of your life
If you're far from me, that doesn't mean I'm not close to you
If my mouth no longer says a word, that doesn't mean that
my heart stops saying I love you
If I am not present by your side that does not mean that I am absent from your life

If you feel alone, go into nature and you will see me present in all the colors of flowers and you will smell me in the scent of roses.
If you feel your heart and your mind heavy and tormented,
Go for a walk in the woods of the forest and I will wait for you there in the gentle evening wind and I will sing you the most beautiful melodies with the birds perched in the branches of the trees facing the soft light of the setting sun.
The foliage will dance in unison
for the angel of my soul... And you will know that you are never alone.
I love you
© Universalconsciousness963