

Solitary Resilience
In the quiet of solitary steps I take,
Facing challenges that life does make.
Alone, yet not defeated, I move ahead,
Through trials that test my spirit and tread.

Each obstacle a mountain to climb,
Summoning courage, patient and prime.
No hand to hold, no shoulder near,
Just my resolve, determined and clear.

Even in the quietest places, doubts may echo loud,
But strength grows in the quiet shroud.
Navigating darkness, finding my way,
Grit and determination lead each day.

The journey is tough, the path unclear,
Yet resilience blossoms, void of fear.
Alone, trusting my inner guide to steer,
Through struggles endured, pride appears.

For in overcoming challenges on my own,
I discover seeds of resilience sown.
Empowered by each hurdle I face,
Solitude strengthens, with pride and grace.

© sionx