

The Voices Within
Within the chambers of my mind, a symphony roams,
Whispering melodies, like ancient poems.
"The Voices Within," they echo and collide,
Unveiling the depths where my secrets reside.

One voice emerges, a guide through the haze,
A beacon of wisdom, illuminating life's maze.
It speaks of courage, urging me to be bold,
To embrace my passions and stories untold.

Another voice whispers of doubt and fear,
A haunting reminder that perfection is near.
But I resist its grip, with strength and resolve,
For in imperfection, true beauty evolves.

A gentle voice sings of compassion and grace,
Spreading empathy like petals in a tranquil space.
It soothes my weary soul, offering respite,
Encouraging kindness in a world that needs light.

Yet amidst the voices, a voice of regret,
Whispering of mistakes that I can't forget.
But I embrace forgiveness, with tender embrace,
Learning from the past, embracing life's embrace.

A voice of dreams weaves enchanting tales,
Imagining worlds where possibility prevails.
It nurtures my aspirations, igniting the fire,
Fueling my ambition to reach higher and higher.

"The Voices Within," a tapestry of thought,
Each one a lesson, a treasure to be sought.
In harmony or discord, they shape who I am,
A symphony of voices, an intricate exam.

So I listen to these voices, with open ears,
Embracing their wisdom, casting off my fears.
For within their chorus, a unique truth I find,
The voices in my mind, a reflection of my mind.
© Christopher Obeng-Manu (Christborn)