

Mirror You Lie

Mirror, I can't accept,
It in not me you reflect!
Where is my youth
Where is my glow?
Why do you show
This terrible figure to me?

I have a figure
Embed in my mind;
He is not a child
Not one in teens
But a handsome youth,
With vital hopes!

You have hidden
That me in me
To show this shocking
Fragile figure,
Ready to collapse
Failed to grow!

I can agree to you
That I am old,
But the me in me won't;
The dream in me won't
And the hope in me won't!

It is true that l will get aged
I may walk in four
I may crawl and lie paralysed,
But still the I in me is a youth!
He won't be aged
He won't be withered!

© Rajendran Thriveni