

Loveless and Unremembered (Dedicated to all those in similar situations)
I've loved you,
But you don't know my face,
I've cared for you, but you don't recall ever knowing my name.
I've once touched your skin, kissed every inch of your voluptuous frame,
I've loved you, dearly,
But you don't feel the same.
I've heard you spoken before,
But unfamiliarity is covered over my voice,
I've listened to your songs, and have enjoyed your renditions,
But you've ever only called it noise.
Violent waves only cradle my thoughts, while yours is compared to a lake, blanketed by thick fog.
I've visited you more times than we cared to remember,
I could recall it all, while you forgot it all in September,
I've risked it all for you, in all sorts of weather,
Now, your thoughts have flown away from you, even as light as a feather.
This pain that numbs me, now, till maybe it remembers me never,
I had promised to love you once, now and forever,
A vow, to hold you through the worst and through better,
So help me God, that I may endeavour.

© Lunaris