

I breathe upside down
from the ceiling of
my cherry tree.
Lotus flowers
fill my sight
when silver spiders
beckon me.
I'll chase them to the rooftops
of this palace that You built
and my canopy of flowers
makes a house for this

sometimes gravity
pulls me through the earth
to a place that i
never thought before
who knew mirrors
hidden in these roots were
a slipping slide into
bouquets of quiet, open doors.
and I'll ride the overturning
waves that pulsate through
the tree
and one day I'll see above
that canopy.

sunsets are beautiful
especially when they
ride a dusk-set sea.
ive never sailed
the ocean but i guess
that glass waves undulate
and if i had the choice
i wouldn't live upon the sandy
I'd rather blow blue bubbles
and live in a green coral reef.

sometimes gravity
pulls me through the earth
to a place that i
never thought before
who knew mirrors
hidden in these roots were
a slipping slide into
bouquets of quiet, open doors.
and I'll ride the overturning
waves that pulsate through
the sea
and one day I'll sail beyond
the panoply -
I've found a Home
and I can finally breathe - yes,
I've found a Home
in my menagerie.