

my anxiety pt2
In the spotlight's glare, I shrink and cower, Social anxiety, my constant dower.
Eyes upon me, like daggers they pierce,
As self-doubt and fear begin to rehearse.
In every interaction, a minefield I tread,
Each step uncertain, each word a thread.
The weight of expectation, a heavy cloak,
As I struggle beneath its suffocating yoke.
A silent scream within, longing to break free,
Yet held back by anxiety's decree.
Invisible walls close in around,
As I search for an escape, a solid ground.
But in the gentle whispers of understanding ears, I find solace amidst the fears.
For in the embrace of empathy's grace, I find the courage to reveal my face.
With each small victory, a beacon shines bright,
Guiding me through the darkest night. For though social anxiety may linger near,
I find strength in knowing I'm not alone in my fear.
© Azz_lia