


In the depths of despair, I found my way,
Through trials and struggles, day by day.
Depression's grip, a heavy chain,
But my spirit refused to wane.

Tears fell like rain, soaking my soul,
Yet through the pain, I found my goal.
Strength within, a quiet force,
Guiding me on my steadfast course.

Challenges came, relentless and tough,
But my confidence remained enough.
I stumbled, I fell, but never stayed down,
For resilience and hope, I wore like a crown.

Each setback was a lesson learned,
Each hurdle crossed, my spirit churned.
I rose from ashes, stronger than before,
Defeating darkness, opening new doors.

So hear me now, as I proudly stand,
A survivor, with courage in hand.
Depression may knock, but I won't break,
For I am unbroken, my spirit awake.
© saధना🖌️
#poems #writcoapp #siripens #thinking