

My Muse My Inspiration:My Wife:An Elegy in memoriam
Pen a poem about the ONE who gave way to fulfill your desire to write.
my pen was inspired by my wife she
went to heaven loning my life she was
the Muse I admire had she not dawned
in my life who could inspire my pen would've been left idle and paper go
waste priceless would've been my learning bereft with taste who could've
given me eyes to admire nature I saw but clothed in divinity you made me
see with your love I understood the mean of love the meaning of life the
purpose of birth you showed me the
kindle and restrain of life carrying the
shield and sword to brave through the
adversities that overtake you were my
friend philosopher and guide what could I've been were you not in sight
you were my Muse my inspire had you
not been what my pen could create my
feelings my sensations my ideas my verse galore you are not in life and blood any more but you'll live in my
versaic poesy for eternity Adieu Adieu
my Muse you'll live in my memories linger when we will meet when I'll have left my mortal coil we'll be sure to unite
after all I have no sham to proclaim you
gave me name and fame.

© Pegasus 999