

I suppose I should feel lonely.
I spend many hours alone.
Maybe we were meant to be
With other folk.The telephone,
The internet are webs we weave,
To bind us to congruent souls.
I love all touch which I receive.
But I know I have other goals.
My mind indulges in free rein.
It travels far in astral flight,
Transcending doubt, escaping pain.
There is no darkness, only light.
My soul is yearning to return
To its true home from whence it came.
There is one flame. Long may it burn.
One soul, one God who has no name.
I need no proof. All science does
Is tell us how the garb appears.
The cloth, the tailoring is fuzz.
Inside a flame, alive, which sears.
We sense it’s presence. We don’t need
Experimental evidence.
Just close your eyes, relax and heed
Doubt is an artificial fence.
So many Bibles, which proclaim
That only they can guarantee
The truth. I think their only aim
Is politics, ‘just follow me.
For me the truth is what I feel.
I do not want a following.
Please don’t tell me what is real.
Some words do have a hollow ring.
There are millions of houses built,
Designed by many architects.
Some rest of concrete, some on silt.
The soul has siblings she detects.
What I believe is right for me.
Your dwelling may not be the same.
All roads lead to eternity.
One fire. Not only one flame.
© Simons