

Things I Should Have Said
The fragrance of my childhood,
Hides in the folds of your embrace,
Even though you can't hold me
Because I'm too far away
I think about how you held me
When my world was a wreck
Caressed my aching head
When I was sick
Carried me home when I went away
I still remember the fateful day
When You told me you had cancer
It was my eighteenth birthday
Your last chemo treatment
I didn't even know you had cancer until you were through it
But I never will forget the first time I saw you without your hair
I'm sorry Mom I was stupid
Childish people do stupid things like that... fight with you because I thought you were blowing me off
When in reality you were sick and you couldn't tell me
Being gone makes me realize how important you are to me and I really miss you
I miss you so much it hurts
I know you think I don't need you
I really do
I hope you understand
This is my only shot and I want to do it right
Love your el #MothersDayPoem