

Halal pen ✍️💜

*You Only Live Once*

In the blink of an eye, life flashes by,
A fleeting moment, a brief goodbye,
We're born, we live, we die, and then we're gone,
Leaving behind memories, and a life that's been lived either right or wrong.

You only live once, so make it count,
Don't waste a single moment, without a doubt,
Chase your dreams, pursue your passions,
Make every second, a life worth living.

You only live once,
Time is fleeting and opportunities are rare,
So seize the day and make the most of what's here.

You only live once, so live it with all you might,
Embrace every moment and hold it tight,
Live your life fearlessly.

You only live once,
Take a risk and leap at every chance,
Explore new ideas and chase your dream.

You only live once, so make it your own,
Live life to the fullest, and never look back.
©Halal pen