

Fake Love
Crazy for you deep in heart I've made,
Broken and unhappy soul at stake,
Loving you would get me no same,
You would never know how much I cried,
Biggest regret buried deep down my chest tight,
Burning and painful phase of life I've made,
Ruined enough to be dead but chose to be alive,
Just you and only you left in my meaningless life,
Do you even remember how you kissed me,
Do It all exactly the way I gotta pay,
I'll come for you playing uno someday,
Maybe, it'll be a reverse don't expect me so safe,
Don't neglect me once again or go to someone else,
Just say I love you this once in your goddamn sake,
If you wanna be alive learn some love to fake.

© Straighttoheaven

Have anyone seen 365 days series ?? isn't this poem being soo relatable to that but if someone is not coming to you then snatch it, that's how people get what they want 😂 Michelle been trying to tell us that in that movie 🎥
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