

Do or Die
aware..yet ill prepared
despite the legacy of despair

A joystick controlled from a lazy boy chair
black blip
drone slipped left
shot the young bride in the chest
Confession next session went down w out lesson
dismembering the funeral procession
snowflakes melt in stagnation
our nation
emotional frustration
denied rage from the stage soft fists concave paranoia
social crisis no noise afraid they get a name like Isis
president seemed humble and flattered
;but Black Lives Still didn't matter
look to the Sky
do or die
til my air dissolves and my lungs are fried
do or die
push against lies about a mother who died before my time
don't cry
pragmatic minds built mass coffins for spastic children having spastic reactions
poisoned by radioactive plastics
microwaved in their lunchable snack packs
do or die
our babies cry
babies,,, die blood on lenolium floors
hide behind the door
fight lies
do or die
my air dissolves and my lungs are fried
think primal despite indifference for survival
turn the dial
protests staged
still no rage
no matter I'll go faster and spit splatter in the eyes of your negative master
diagnosed. bastard
hears laughter
when no tear is shed
as we live in diaster