

Wings of Love
Hiring the wings of love, I soar high
Towards the heavens, where dreams reside
With each beat of my heart, I take flight
Guided by passion, my soul alight

The sun, a radiant orb in the sky
Casting its golden rays, never shy
Its warmth embraces, igniting my core
Filling my spirit with love's sweet lore

Love, a force that knows no bounds
It lifts me up, where joy resounds
In its embrace, I find solace and peace
A sanctuary where all worries cease

With love as my guide, I navigate
Through life's twists and turns, I never hesitate
For in its presence, I am free
To be the person I long to be

So I spread my wings, and I take flight
Bathing in love's eternal light
With the sun as my witness, I soar above
Embracing the beauty of love's sweet love.
© V.G