

The light
In the darkness I layed there crying
Hoping that my prayers were being heard.

In the darkness and light Inwould be in pain. There were times where was complete darkness. No matter how hard I tried to open me eyes and my emotions it wouldn't work. The pain was to much to bare.

In my darkness I never was beautiful enough, or sin free enough. No matter what I did I still had bruises, emotionally and physically. no matter how much light I would bring in it was always blown out.

In my darkness Ibalways heard a still small voice saying to hang in there and everything would be alright. Sometimes I thought that the voice was wrong because all that I saw was darkness.

In my darkness- my deepest darkness
I asked that still small voice to just take me away. That I was a horrible parent/person and everyone would be better off with out me. The still small voice just kept saying "your kids need you. They love you and so did I."

Thank you God for your still small voice.

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