

HE always listens !
When tears starts rolling down let them flow ..
Cry as much as you want in front of ALLAH alone..
Because HE alone is All Knowing, All Hearing, All seeing.
It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl all the matters is that you are a Human Being ! with feelings, emotions, heart breaks, pain which hurts a lot !
Brothers and Sisters let me tell you crying is NOT bad at all, but also let me remind you that crying in front of ALLAH alone gives different kind of peace to your heart, mind and to your soul ..
Pour your heart to HIM alone because the way HE understands us no one can or ever will understand us !
So why to waste our tears by crying in front of others ??
When ALLAH alone knows how precious that one tear drop is !
And don't forget when no one is by your side the ONE in the heavens is with YOU and know that HE loves you more than 70 Mothers, so how can HE see you upset or hurt ??
HE loves you like no one can ever love you the way HE does !!!

Oh beautiful soul please have a little more sabr for there is a reason for every heartbreak or pain that you are going through ..
Surely ALLAH has written something beautiful for YOU !
ALLAH listens No.Matter.What.
talk to HIM, No Matter who you are, HE always listens !
© Heartthatspeaks 🖤