

My love lives far beyond the sea.

He has a gummy smile and bright white teeth.
His eyes sparkles like the reflection of river moon.

He may don't know I exists but it's okay cause my heart belongs to his shiny eyes.

He smiles like a child and play like a ice.
He is shy and savage, what a beautiful combination is this quest.

May the heaven blesses him like it always does,
Atleast he read my poems which is inspired by him.

I will always thank him for his kindness and beautiful scenes.

I wish to meet him one day and speak my heart out in front of him,
Tell him my secrets and speak about his beauty with my words and watch him smile in front of me.

I am not a lover of poem but you made me a poet,
You are the little secret which I hide into my heart.
My love lives far beyond the sea.
© silim