

"Women don't come with instructions"
Women don't come with instructions....
1.Batteries not included, Don't come with an on or off switch.
2. Accessories not included, One sized don't fit all
3. Remote controlled
4. Be Pampered and Catered too
5. Strings Attached
6. Here today and Gone tomorrow
7. Come with Directions or Diagram
8. Can't clone yourself
9. Can not be at two places at one time
10. If you brake you us, we can't be fixed
11. If our heart is broken, can you mend it?
12. We don't have Hot Flashes, they are Power Surges.
13. We are suppose to be Psychic and Mind Readers, but we can't tell you what's gonna happen from minute to the next.
14. Not your Sparring Partner, not meant be in a boxing ring or boxing match.
15. Not Houdini can't make things appear or disappear.
16. Not Trophies, or Arm Candy we are your companion to be treated with love and respect.