

Ocean of friendship
I came across the deep blue sea,
I heard the waves whisper to me.

Is this the shoreline we used to share thoughts?
Is this the ocean where we welcome emotion?

A simple thing, so long ago.
Four paws accompanied &
Ran with bare feet through the sand.

As water surround us to give a hug,
We made crab friends as a shrug.

Even if the waves are silent,
And sands are brittle,
I tip-toe around you;
Recollecting memories so gooey!

We ~
Entangled souls of this universe,
It is destined to meet you.

And if ever any doubt,
Mark my words;

No matter what happens,
With eternal or mortal,
Friendship or fights,
Nothing can part us.

I’m you and you are me,
My forever friend, you’ll be.

Forever and ever,
We’ll be remembered together.