

Newsome's Win in California means only one thing. by R. M. Ragnanese
You don't need integrity to win.
You don't need policy to win.
You don't need to make good decisions to win.
You don't need to help the people to win.
You don't need to help small business to win.
You don't need to solve the energy problems of your state to Win.
You don't need to solve the issues of the homeless to win.
You don't need to stop the rise in violent crime to win.
You don't even need to be intelligent to win
You can even be a racist and a hypocrite and win.

In fact all you need to do as a Democrat to win is have more Democrats then Republicans.
Because in all honesty.
It really doesn't matter where you stand on the issues.
Because your not going to be held accountable by Democrats if you lie and go against what you promise to do.

Because Democrats will vote for a Democrat and always vote for a Democrat regardless of who the Democrat may be.

Why is this you ask?

Because Democrats are more then low information voters that are poorly informed on the issues.

Democrats are politically brain washed voters that have been trained and condition to vote Democrat.
Asking a Democrat to vote Republican is like asking a mentally retarded person to do algebra or asking a quadriplegic to run the 100 meter dash in the Olympics.
In the same way asking a Democrat to vote Republican.
Is like asking a Democrat to do something he doesn't have the mental capabilities of ever being able to do.
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