

Act With Forsight
When should we only take action when it's consequences are immediate. Express your thoughts with a poem.

In the rush of life’s relentless race,
We seek results at a rapid pace.
But wisdom whispers a softer plea,
To act with care, deliberately.

When should we act with swift intent,
Only when outcomes are imminent?
When the stakes are clear and right in view,
When the moment demands we follow through.

Yet in haste, we often miss
The subtle threads, the quiet bliss.
Not all actions yield instant gain,
Some require patience, despite the strain.

Immediate consequences, bright and bold,
Can guide us in the moments told.
But wisdom sees beyond the now,
To future ripples, and wonders how.

Let's consider the seeds we plant today,
Their growth may lead us far away.
So to act with foresight, thoughtful and true,
Ensures the path we walk is due.

For not all that’s urgent holds the key,
To lasting joy or harmony.
In the balance of time and space,
Each action finds its proper place.

So let us weigh both quick and slow,
The outcomes seen and those we know.
To act with purpose, mindful and wise,
Is to truly grasp life’s precious prize.

In moments where haste is clearly right,
We'll act with all our gathered might.
But let us also heed the call,
To think, reflect, and then stand tall.

For actions taken with foresight’s grace,
Shape a future we’ll proudly face.
Not just in the immediate light,
But in the long and quiet night!!

© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo