

This Side of Paradise

Where whispers of the ancients entwine,
With the soft caress of a gentle breeze,
Where time ceases to be confined,
And beauty reigns in evergreen ease.

This side of paradise is not just a place,
But a canvas painted by the heart's own hand,
Where joy is found in every space,
And love is the river that runs through the land.

Beneath the canopy of azure skies,
Where the sun kisses the horizon's cheek,
Where the stars, like a thousand eyes,
Indeed, in silent vigil, softly speak.

Where the trees, with branches outstretched,
Provide a shelter from the storms of life,
Roots intertwined in an eternal dance,
Whence the whispers of the earth are rife.

This is the place where spirits roam,
Where the line between worlds is ever thin,
Where the heavens and the earth are one,
Where the soul feels most akin.

The air is sweet with blooming flowers,
Their fragrance a symphony for the nose,
The melody of nature's own bowers,
Where the mind and spirit compose.

A realm of light and shadow play,
Where secrets of the universe unfold,
Where every dawn brings us a newfound day,
And every sunset tells us all a story yet untold.

In this garden of the Divine,
Where hearts and souls come to unite,
The fruit of knowledge ripens for us all to dine,
In the warm embrace of the soft moon's light.

Here, the rivers of emotion flow,
Merging with the sea of inner peace,
Where the echoes of joy and sorrow grow,
Into harmonies which ever never cease.

This side of paradise is found,
When we shed the chains of doubt and fear,
Embracing the love that always surrounds,
And let our hearts be so crystal clear.

For it is not a destination bound,
But a journey deep within our core,
Where love is the ultimate crown,
And peace is forevermore.

So, let us strive to find this place,
Where every heart is free to roam,
Where the whispers of grace,
Guide us back to our true home.

© Travis Allen King aka DTH