

Black Man, Black boy, demon's of white privilege demand deconstruction of are black men. , Over sexualize by white women & condemned to death by white man's society .Till Strong loving of life child like mind freedom To be who he wanted to be taken away so soon. While the screams that we could never imagine seem to fade off in the powerful Statemen of his body put on display by his mother's broken but strong heart. Jelani Day missing for months with out words only to find his body Evan more brutalized' than that of the past. So I wonder what Jelani Day laugh was like, with his dreams left lost in the shadows of bloody white hands. The cry's that everyone see's but know one truly here's. Speak to me undercover out of the way of piercing eyes. While the blood staind hands still remain fresh in the mind. Backwards are the people who say we're racist and the ironic thing is the black people that agree that we as a black people can be racist. To stand up and be upset against the one's that did are people wrong, that continue to Mock and wear us like costume. Knowing they don't love us ' only the culture that they steal. Too gain all of are essence without a care . To kill are not to kill weather it benefits the sick mindset of the people who stole everything around us. TILL & JELANI DAY.
© Jessica Freeman