

Be The One To Guide Me But Dont Be The One To Sink Me
As we start off In the journey of life for the first time our lives become like a ship on the sea . A ship with captain at the wheel is guided over the water .But a ship without a captain gets tossed around the waves and loses control Destin to sink to the bottom of the ocean that's why a ships captain guides the ship and if it does sink that captain will sinks with it because that is his fate to go down with his ship because as long as he holds the wheel he maintains the control. A relationship are really just like a Ship and it's captain .They take a hold of you as you take ahold of them as long as they work together like the captain and the wheel but if you let go of each other just like the captain letting go of the wheel we end up doing and own thing and lose control of each other and eventually one will try to throw out the anchor to the other and doing that will drown the whole dam relationship
if you ever want a good one relationship that will stay a float forever grab eachother and hold on and guide eachother til the end and never let go Remembering that ship and how the captain kept it guided and never threw in the anchor so as long as we do the same we will never sink . And if we do sink at least we will sink together that's just the way life is. So please be the one to guide me and I won't be the one to throw the anchor in or be the one to make us sink. like that captain on that ship he brought them to thier destination safe and all in one piece this goes to show. life can give us hell a of a ride but if we hold on to eachother we can guide us through and we will finally make it to our beautiful destiny . Life is not about the journey its about the destination. If we hold on to our wheels we will not be tossed around to sink . But together we will make it to that beautiful destination like it was meant to be.
© Raelynn that's me