

An Enchanter
I took a stroll down the memory lane,
My heart traversed to a higher plane.
I met an angel that dwells in my memories.
Heard his whispers in the tallest trees,
Felt his love as a gentle breeze.
Behold the Enchanter!
As calm as the sea,
As deep as the ocean.
His smile embellished the soul,
But reigned without control.
His narcotic words subdued my worries,
Thanks to his comforting qualities.
He spoke to me in his soothing voice,
Get along! Coz staying is no choice.
And each must go alone.
It's all a part of Master's plan
A step on the road to home.
Born with loaded sweetness yet sometimes sour,
He vanished into the air,saying
It's the only requisite of the hour!!!


#anenchanter #writingislove #abstract #dwellinginthepast #loveisbelief