

Additional Self righteousness
In my eyes, I see only what is right
My thoughts, my actions, pure and bright
I judge others with an iron hand
For they do not meet my moral demand
I preach my beliefs, loud and clear
Convinced that my path is the only one, dear
My way is right, the ultimate truth
And anyone who disagrees is uncouth
I wear my righteousness like a shield
Protecting me from any opposing field
But deep down, I know it's a fragile facade
A fragile ego, seeking to be lauded
I am blinded by my own self-righteousness
Unable to see beyond my own polishedness
But what about the flaws within me?
Do I dare to look and truly see?
I am not perfect, though I pretend to be
My actions, my thoughts, still stained with debris
Yet, I continue to judge and condemn
Forgetting that we are all just human
My self-righteousness is an additional burden
Leading me down a path of delusion
For true righteousness isn't found in pride
But in humility and compassion inside
So I'll shed this cloak of superiority
And embrace empathy and diversity
For it takes more strength to admit one's flaws
Than to stand tall on a pedestal, without cause
So let my heart be filled with understanding
And my mind free from judgmental branding
For true righteousness lies in acceptance and grace
And not in a self-righteous, arrogant face.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Additional Self righteousness

© ApproximatePower