

Your hoax of life
Cover my eyes,
Whisper lies in my ears,
Cloth to my mouth,
Clouds to my head,
Twist my thoughts,
Make me believe the false truth,
Break my feelings and glue it together,
How do you think it should be?
What tall tales will you make rely on?
Accept their false recounts to stay sane,
Tired of unknoting your tangles of fiction,
These little white lies are just over exaggerations.
Inventions of falsification,
Fabricate my existence and tell it back to me,
Make me believe you were never the bad guy.
You were never the villain,
Didn't hang me in the tree,
You only gave me the rope,
The stool,
The thoughts,
And the courage.
Sing me your melody of trumped-up-story,
Fade into me until I am nothing without your touch.
Lullabies of barefaced lies,
Lead me into your hoax of life.

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