

Alone, creating a creation
In a classroom of fifty,
when the teacher isn't present
Noise fills the class,
Everyone starts chatting with friends.

Me, a different saga
will take a book
Chat within myself,
Even in the midst of a crowd.

Everyone seen me as a different creature.
Most of the time,I thought
it isn't their fault,
may be I have an issue.

Me, a different Saga
Will take a pen
Scribble some words
filled my inner conflicts.

I filled on a daily basis,
One fine day it became a poem.
I don't talk much to people
I ask to me,

Is this right or wrong?
My mind answered,
"I cannot say it is right or wrong
Based on situation,it changes."

"you, a different Saga,
The mind of a poet,
Longs mostly for,
The companion solitude".

© Nandhini Manikandan