

The Secret is Written

It was a long time coming
this deepest darkest secret,
To know but not know was the worst ever feeling
I'd ever endured
The distance grew and grew
The silence was deafening!
The hurt like a wounded animal howling
The thumping in my chest, the arrow in my throat
I turn away a million times,
I hide my face deep into the pillow
If I don't know then I won't know...
Till once a dreay sleepless night
Befall me like the sunshine on a new day
I pick it up and hence I see
the truth,
Thrown me into a pit of hungry wolves
My world as I knew it, gone,
Gone with the reading of words that destroy,
Destroying every ounce of faith once earned
Every inch of trust once given
Now has gone as though it was so easily earned so Easily thrown away.
Now I wait, I sit, I hurt, I dream,
Will this, will she, ever leave us
Or will she stay like an annoying mole out for all to see...
I pray one day you will be forgiven
one day I forget..
It was a long time coming this deepest darkest secret,
And so to will I, be a long time forgetting-


Sandra Hambidge

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