

The Everything is Behind My Back

Once I thought to left everything,
Just was tired of everything,
Don't know what will be ahead,
I thought I failed myself,
Everything looks so dark forward,
No sign of a hopeful shoreward,
Gulit or maybe blame, I don't know,
Made me cry a lot,
That I never thought,
I just want to leave far away,
Where no one could find me,
Where no one will know me,
Where everything will be a new for me,
And I would start a bright beginning,
New life, New Legacy,
Everything that I had thought,
Just was waiting to act,
Whenever I look my back,
I see there is a lot of slack,
Pessimistic and forlornly,
Burned efullgence with lovely scary ashes,
No Way of turning back I could see,
But a new way to thrive,
Everything I decided for myself,
Alone I step ahead for it,
But just in time I pulled it back,
I hanged myself and breathe up,
Why I'm going away?
Away from ny family and everything,
Just 'Cause something I felt broken,
They despised me, They pricked me.
I shouted No, No, No,
I need to stay even for a more long,
I need to forgive with my big heart,
I need to be for them in here,
And rejuvenate the hopes again,
My true intellect desires here,
This is the truth afterall,
And I should proud of its beauty,
My heart says it all,
Just want to shine here again,
With everyone, In here,
I will comfort them as much I can,
Love them, afterall they are mine,
There wasn't only one thing that made me,
To stand here in this marvellous charmer,
There was everything that pulled me here,
I want to soar up high but with everything,
After a long time when I glanced back,
I stood and made my life even better,
I kept the very good omens with me,
Now I just see a sunshine,
Which glossy and radiant,
That will may never fade the land,
And the everything on it.........