

They'll be sleeping in her van again tonight
Kids Doing homework.by the dashboard lights

They ain't slept in a bed for six months now
Somehow they've survived but she don't know how

Laid off from her job when demand just died
Couldn't find another. but God knows she tried

Her husband couldn't take it so he left one day
Left her with 3 young kids and one on the way

Moved into a small roach infested room
Missed two months rent so was out too soon

She lost the baby after she started to bleed
It was just as well didn't need another mouth to feed

Turned her first trick on Tuesday last
Last thing she wanted
but she needed the cash

Now her and the kids were living out of her van
No money, no future and she had no plan

Just another victim of the capitalist way
For The rich get richer the poor have to pay