

How can two lovers do today?
When they can't live one more day
Without each other virtually
Pretending, relating
To be a real life relationship
Chasm between virtual and actual reality is immeasurable
Inseparable but danger seems acceptable
The real can't compete with the virtual
Something physical, actual, factual.
This may not be real,
As it is dillusional,
They both rely on tomorrow,
They get nothing but sorrow,
They need to talk it out at once,
But they don't want to do that,
Because it may end with pain,
Nothing but misery to gain.
And they don't realize the fact.
That it happens when you react,
And reaction needs to be done,
As it's for life not for fun.
And life is just today,
Tomorrow holds you away,
From yourself and everything,
Which may cost your life.
So, do what you do today,
Don't rely, and don't shy.
Give it your best try.
No holding back, no lie,
No loose ends to tie.
If Today you act, you'll may get
And if you don't you will regret.
Because the life won't stop for you,
Because you won't get second chance,
Life is just like one act play,
You may perform or get away,
If you do it, you would at least,
Feel that you said what you had to say.
And if you don't then nothing's changed,
But somewhere you will feel the guilt,
That you should' ve said your thing for once,
You should've done what you wanted to,
But then you won't be able to,
Do something or say something.
So say something or do something.
Now, today and yes for once,
Think that us your only chance,
So show the world, what you got.

In Collaboration with @laini8580

Thank you for reading

Hope you liked it

@ Khawar
© Khawar