

White Craft Pipe!
Deadline for the dead-end street

Is it the twilight end of the roadway, heretofore

The matter-of-fact ofrecen, the different clouds of the heart,

Where and duration besides.

The root of my dead-end vim,

Spurring with the sounds of gridlock moving boldly toward edict outside, there who are, of course, there impedes that (mouse), rat, crevice, my friend's a soul coming out the wall, my Sol, including a teapot, my chum Corrona, including a pitcher, my mate Tecate in my mind Victoria, my ulcerative colitis with my family tequila my life brain and bleeding with my lineage mezcal, salutation, Virginia, Earthquake, worms, and parasites how are you.

The Modelo negro, in my XX's, Is marketing with a White pipe!

I can't pass over the empties, or I won't get my residue.

My imported abdomen anguish, ceasing to function Livermore imploded kidneys and Archgoat. I have an emotion of enjoyable silence over my spinal column fixture. Do I have a potbelly lubricant boulevardier? Will we accomplish this If you are? Be straightforward too!
© Antonio Mora Lopez