

Wish upon a shooting star
For all the thousands of words I failed to say I'm sorry

I wish I told you that you that I'd stay

I wish I never left

I wish I told you that I'd be back

I wish I came back in time

I wish I paid more attention

I wish I made you see your worth

I wish I was there to hold your hand

I wish I told you how much you meant to me

I wish I was there to stop you from cutting

I wish I held your hand

I wish I spoke to you

I wish I gave you hope

I wish I showed you love

I wish I listened

I wish I said all I had to say

I wish all this never happened

I wish you were happier

I wish you had stayed

I wish I told you that I loved you

I wish you knew you were loved

I wish a thousand wishes

© Anonymously existing