

Gentle Words: A Dedication
The day we met, in a crowd unknown,
With you, I sense consciousness and selflessness.

No pride, no ego, just pure grace,
Your verses speak, life's thorns she trace.

Dedication to words & her writing deserves recognition,
In Kalam's Award, you find significance.

Girl with Wings," a journey untold,
In the pages she penned, stories unfold.

In your prose, I feel the ink of affection, a tender lace,
A love symphony, transcending time and space.

In the gallery of emotions, let your words paint,
A masterpiece of love, where souls acquaint.

In the realm of letters, where art finds its voice,
a calligraphy muse, makes hearts rejoice.

Praying for your success, strong and true,
May your light burn bright, haters few.

© Saqib Sarwar Mir