

Little Red Balloon
Lost and seeking something,
the little red balloon floats,
waiting to be chosen.
Along comes a bright young boy,
searching for new love.
He sees the red balloon,
and couldn't hide his glare.
He says, "I want that one!"
and off they went together,
happier than ever.
Walking with a smile,
and a shine like the sun,
the two were meant to be forever.

In his hand he held the string,
that kept their hearts together,
and when the string burnt,
from the shine on the balloon,
he held on strong
and took all the pain,
knowing he'd never be the same.

After some time
the pain was too much,
and the young boy cried
as his mind made the choice.
He chose to let go,
and watch it float away.

© J.L.D