

King Of My Heart
Beloved of my father as I was,
I knew when to tread carefully,
For my father was a stickler for discipline.
But while he was what he was,
I knew it was from a place of love.

While my siblings shilly-shallied,
I leapt on his lap,
With him tickling all the way.

My love for my father fattened each day,
Topmost of my memories of him,
Was the day I trespassed on a grand rule,
And my siblings were sure I would get the lash,
But daddy laughingly ruffled my hair,
And sent me on my way,
To the amazement of my siblings and - everyone else.

My father was my hero,
My first experience at love,
His hands carved up delicacies.

A nice memory that's etched on the tablet of my heart,
Daddy dropping us off at school with a kiss on the lips,
Making young hearts afflutter,
To the envy of my vigilant classmates,
Earning me the tag of "daddy's girl"

If I could turn back the hands of time,
I'd wish for one final moment,
One final try to tell him,
How much he was loved.
© sailabby

Photocredit: Unsplash

#poetry #storyteller #writcostories #nimble #bedifferent #king #myheart