


Roses are red, and violets are blue,
And there’s a squillion-million different ways
To say, I love you.

This special woman in your life is unique, the only one of herself there ever will be!
What ways of saying I love you when she wakes each morning will let her know she’s seen, and appreciated, for who she is, and what she brings to your life?
Your poems could be sentimental. They could be borrowed words; ones put together by someone else. They could be long or very short. They could rhyme, or not rhyme.
It doesn’t really matter what they are, as long as what you’re saying in them is a true reflection of how you feel and you’ve expressed yourself in a way you know she’ll understand.
Regular appreciation creates more. If she feels loved, you’ll feel loved. Try it, and see.
And if you’re not there when she wakes text it to her or hand write it on a slip of paper and put it where you know she’ll find it: next to the mirror, in her wallet, or by the coffee machine.

© adity9717