

Is This Victory Or Defeat ?
Changing his armor he filled his ears with the roar of victory...,
He walked forward, happy to have written another war history...
Smiling triumphantly, he looked around...

He gazed triumphantly at the land he had conquered....,
The scattered corpses did not hear his glory....
An ocean of blood has paved the way for him instead of the flowers....
He proceeded along that path....

No one sounded the victory bell for him....
The sound of wails and cries rang in his ears.....
Many eyes looked at him with tears.
The smoke of the burning pyres obscured his vision.....
The flying eagles looked at him with gratitude.....
The gift of war filled him with pain.....

He looked down at his blood-red hands...
He ran towards the river he saw ahead of him....
He scooped the water to clean his hands....
The river was polluted by the smell of blood....

The stain of blood on him was not erased....
It stuck with him as the basis of success....
Shouts of wails filled his ears....
The man who won the battle accepted defeat in front of his conscience....

© enigma🦋
#poem #war #lyrics