

Shadow of Madness

The shadow of nightmare hunting thee,
Jailed heart lonely as thy, why can't be free ?
Darkness closes the path of prosperity,
Hunting the light to answers my audacity,

Beneath the sea are loneliness
No one can free my madness
If only they could mind their own business,
I wouldn't mind dying in emptiness

Surrounded by the tree of bitchiness
Things I've done are all worthless
My only dream is to find my own happiness,
Why is the world so cruel and full of nosiness?

Standing in the middle of anxiety
Looking so down and awry
This heart of mine is so empty
Open the door so I can fly freely

Looking high in the sky still asking why,
Raising my hand surrender and cry
No one can see these sadness in my eye,
No one will ever say goodbye even if I die.
© narraloveme