

Ripples of a River
Wrap your Arms, around Me.
So the Waves, stop hitting the Shore.
Hold Me tight and recite your Promises.
As We take vows, On the Ocean's Floor.
Your Beautiful Smile, makes Me Quiver
and Currents, spark along My Spine.
They're like the Ripples of a River,
Where the High Tide, begins at Nine.
Every breath of Mine, that Bubbles.
I'm catching, new Colors of Blue.
Every blink from My Eye that Freezes.
I'm sinking on the Seabed with U.
Every Time My Lips get bitten.
I see a Dolphin or Two swimming By.
We are Aliens, to the World of Shells
and all the Land, where the Corals Lie.
Sometimes the Ocean, turns into a Blanket.
That wraps U, in your Dream.
The gentle Waves, may lull U to Sleep.
Along with, a Moonlight Beam.
© Savio Fonseca
#yqwriter #writco #Love&love #Love&love💞 #relationships #Life&Life #words #thoughts #ocean #writer