

Through Him
We are mere mortals made of dust
and one day we must return back to the dirt.
We are sinners
we have rebelled against God
we have committed sins- the most disgusting, harshest and devious sins
We all deserve to go to hell.
But dispite this
We have a loving God
We have a merciful God- a God that desires us to turn from our sins and follow Him
He has given us a Savoir
and thorough Him, salvation can be emerged.
Through Him the chosen can be called
Through Him there is victory for those who trust in Him
Through Him we may be saved
through Him we may be forgiven.
through Him we may start a fresh, we my be born- again
Through Him we may go to Heaven

So many may say don't die without doing this or that,
but the truth is " Don't die without Jesus Christ the Son of God"

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