

I rob the wishing well
I used to ask how's a quarter make a wish
I thought a wish was worth more
then I learned when I was older
gold ain't bold and crimson clover
id hit the plaza and id steal it from the drink
all those wishes sure did make me think
and I'm guilty of sin guilty of love guilty of being a backwards bum fuck me and where I'm from probably some dumb toms son
and when I get my ducks in a row
I'm gonna steal a car and reap what I sew
steal a jeep and go go go
but who the hell am I kidding I'll die in the streets or rot in prison
I'm the bum that isn't fishings failed
I'm the bum that robs the wishing well
hell yeah a burden where I fell
mowe the grass and learn your lessons swearing by a smith and Wesson weasels die and keep you guessing but the gins still free and the stills still me and I'll be just what I'll be
gonna get a beer or two rob the wishing well for booze that's what a lewser like me do
who the fuck are you
tell me once I still don't listen when the sun hits it right the blood still glisten give you things that you been missing all your lonely days
doper then jimmy hayes plasma magma rays