

When l fell off my feet and and lonely,
When my heart and soul are at their lostes,
Will you help me up to my feet,
Will you mend my heart,
Will you lift my soul again ,
Will you be there?

when everyone else leaves,
when everyone changes like the seasons,
when everyone forgets to love,
Please tell me you will leave me stranded,
Don't change like the seasons and forget to love me,
Tell me,
Will you be there?

lf the world and everyone else forgets the meaning of love,
Will you be patient with me when l at times when I hurt you,
But l promise to never hurt you intentionally,
will you be that for me,
Will you be there?

love at times doesn't need words to express,
Will you look into my eyes and known the whole story,
without a single word said,
l want to lay on your chest and feel your heartbeat,
trust me when everyone else doesn't,
And l promise never to break it
Will you be that for me,
will you be there?

Let these be like promises we make to ,
Each other and that they will never change,
Never break and we shall blossom like a lily,
Near a stream of water and the light of the sunlight shall shine on us like a rainbow,
We shall never dry or run out of anything,
All we need I love,
WILl you be there.

#everday feeling#melissa Martha